Saturday, March 15, 2008


Ok right now Im totally freaking out , Jason is filming a movie with Mitchel Musso!!!!!!!!!Their in Utah right now. Itll be so cool!!!!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

My mom....

My mom had to go to the ER earlier. Right now I am watching my sister and I haven't heard from my parents yet. We don't know whats wrong with my mom. Her whole right side has been numb the past few days. Please keep her in your prayers.

Saturday, September 8, 2007


Finally something cool has happened! yay! On saturday im going to be in a fashion show at a store. I had to go and pick out an outfit today. It was cool. I can put it on my resume too. Thats good because i have like nothing on that right now so ya.

Friday, August 10, 2007


hey , nothing really awesome has been happening lately. I cant wait for school to start! I need to see my friends and stuff. I cant wait for drama to start again!
Lalala Im so bored!!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Cory In The House taping

Hey everybody! I just got back from vacation. It was so much fun! I have to tell you about the Cory In The House taping. It was so awesome. They seated the VIPs at like 5. They had a comedian to entertain people while we were waiting he that was really funny. We got to watch a new episode that hasnt aired yet before they introduced the cast. My mom and I could hear this girls talking about Jason and I started laughing so hard the stuff they said was so funny. They introduced the cast and alot of the girls screamed really loud when they introduced Jason. After that they started filming the first scene. We didnt watch them film all the scenes they filmed some the day before. The scenes they fimed were funny. In the episode Cory had to throw away all his bobbleheads but then he got an idea to make a Sophie doll. He tricked her into being a brat and taped it so the doll said all the stuff she said. It was funny also in the episode Newt had some secret stuff going on so Meena and Candy followed him around. Then they thought his shoesalesman was a leprachaun do that was funny. Newt's secret he couldnt tell them was that he was taking Irish dancing lessons. They showed all the scenes they filmed before and there was one where Newt was dancing that was really funny.In the last scene they fimed Kyle kept on messing up and saying your guyses when he was supposed to say your and that messed Jason up so he was saying your guyses too and it took forever for them to get the scene done. During the taping I saw my aunt onstage talking to Kay Panabaker so I got to meet Kay after the show.When the taping was over the VIPs could go onstage and meet the cast.I also got to meet Chris Massey, Kyles brother whos on Zoey 101. That was really cool. Then my mom and I went to Jason's dressing room and hung out with him and his mom for awhile. Jason told us about a new disney channel movie hes in called MInuteman. Hes the main guy. Hes leaving in a couple weeks to film it so theres gonna be a few episodes of Cory In The House he wont be in. It was so much fun! Talk to you guys soon!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

MItchel Musso's Song

you guys HAVE to watch this its so awesome!!!

It's so awesome! you HAVE to watch it! I watched like 50 times

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

This week is extra busy at my house. We have to pack and get everything ready for when we go on vacation next week. We leave early Sunday morning. We get back on Saturday the 21st. We're going to DisneyLand! yay! My mom and I are also going to a Cory In The House taping on Tuesday and we get to see Jason and my aunt. That's gonna be awesome. I'll tell you about it when I get back. Talk to you soon! Bye!